to the
2024 Zigg's Toss-A-Thon
It’s time to get ready to toss those bags at Zigg’s Toss-A-Thon this Saturday, November 16th! Bring your cards/cash, competitive spirit and appetite!
We will have a food truck onsite this year available from 12-2PM. We will also have water and beer at the event, bring any other beverages you and your family will want.
Cornhole bags will be provided by Zack Zolin Scholarship Foundation; no outside bags will be permitted in tournament play.
No tickets are required but all participants are required to check-in for lane assignments.
For those bringing children, we will have a bounce house for some fun!
Event Details
​If you have any questions or cannot make the tournament, please contact us at your earliest convenience so we can make the necessary changes. Thank you for your support!
Rules & Tournament Guidelines
Field Layout
Each court will have 2 boards set 27 feet apart and will have 8 total bags (4 per team). The foul line will be located at the front edge of the board. Lanes are located on either side of the board, containing two 4’x3’ designated pitcher’s boxes from which players will throw their bags. Each court will have a scoring tower to help keep track of the score. Cornhole bags will be provided by Zack Zolin Scholarship Foundation; no outside bags will be permitted in tournament play.
Game Play
Teams will take turns playing frames in which one player from each team will stand in the pitcher’s boxes beside the same board. The cornhole board in between them is called the headboard and the cornhole board they are throwing to is called the footboard. The players will alternate pitches until each player has thrown all 4 of their bags. After all the bags are thrown, the score is calculated by the players at the footboard (see Scoring below).
After recording the frame’s score on the scoring tower, players who were at the footboard will begin the next frame. For all subsequent frames, the team with the highest score in that frame will throw first for the next frame. If no one scores in a frame, the team who pitched first in the preceding frame shall retain first pitch in the next frame. Play will continue until a team reaches or exceeds 21 points.
• Each player must remain in their lane and pitcher’s box for the entire game
• Once the frame is complete, no bags may be moved prior to determining the score
Players are responsible for calculating scores after each frame and for keeping track of the game points. No cornhole bags should be moved before scoring is determined and recorded. Footboard players will calculate the score once all 8 bags are thrown in a frame. The winner of each game will be the first team to reach or exceed 21.
Frame Point Values:
• Ziggy (Bag on the Board) = 1 Point
• Zolin (Cornhole) = 3 Points
• Foul Bag = 0 Points
• The non-fouling team will get to choose to either remove the foul bag from the board or to keep the outcome of the throw. A foul occurs when:
• Front foot passes foul line
• Bag touches the ground at any point
• Throwing out of turn
Cancellation Scoring:
Points are only given to the winner of each frame and the score’s point value for that frame will be determined by cancellation scoring. The score’s point value is calculated by taking the winning team’s score for that frame and subtracting the losing team’s score for that frame. In the event of a disagreement on score, an official ZZSF Board Member will rule the points.
For example: Team #1 throws 3 Ziggies and 1 Zolin (3+3=6) while Team #2 throws 1 Ziggy, 1 Zolin and 2 Foul Bags (1+3+0=4). Team #1 would receive 2 points from that frame (6-4=2).
Tournament Rules and Play
All registered teams will play in the Round Robin and make the single elimination tournament. Round robin record & point differential determines bracket seeding for the tournament.
Round Robin for Determining Tournament Seeding
At check in, players will receive lane assignments for the Round Robin. Each lane will have groups of teams who will play one game against every other team in the group.
• First team to reach or exceed 21 determines the winner
• Record & point differential determines bracket seeding for the tournament
Each team should play Rock-Paper-Scissors or flip a coin; the winner will start the game with the first throw and gets to choose their lane for the game. For all subsequent frames, the team with the highest score in that frame will go first for the next frame. If no one scores, the team who pitched first in the preceding frame shall retain first pitch in the next frame. Play will continue until a team reaches or exceeds21 points. Once a winner is determined, the final score for both teams should be recorded on a scoring sheet found on the scoring tower and turned in to an official ZZSF Board Member at the Barn.
Single Elimination Tournament
All games of the tournament will be played with the same rules as the Round Robin. The team with the higher seeding will start the game with the first throw and this team gets to choose their lane for the game.
If both teams reach or exceed 21 in the same frame, the team with the highest score wins. If both teams are tied in the final frame, OT frames will play until a team wins with a higher score. During championship rounds there will be an official ZZSF Board Member scorer and referee.